The language of the bells is a cultural reference in several historic mining towns. Understand the signs and touches that come from church towers is able to enjoy an art that still survives through the rare craft of ringers.
Produced and directed by SANTA ROSA BUREAU CULTURAL, the project involved the publication of Small Glossary Language of the Bells, workshops in São João del Rei, Tiradentes, Ouro Preto, Mariana and Diamantina Catas Altas, and the production of the documentary sung.
Directed by Jason Barroso Santa Rosa and Rodolfo Magalhaes, the film addresses the strength and hope of preserving the sexton craft, practiced as a task to be executed by their officers, and reveals how the ringing of bells shapes and affects people's lives. Was awarded at the 12th edition of the National Ethnographic Film Festival with Manuel Diegues Junior Award in the category development, research and script.
Excerpt from the documentary